North Korea history

                        North Korea An Introduction

North Korea history

North Korea history

                                Capital:-       Pyongyang
                                Population:- 25 Million
                                GDP:-           Dollar 40 billion

North Korea history

North Korea history

North Korea locate in East Asia, Share border with three countries, China among the Amrok river, Russia along the Tumen river  and South Korea with Korean Demilitarized Zone .
                                                                             The yellow sea and Korean bay are in the west coast and sea of Japan in the East. Medium and large hills are available in north Korea, rich in natural beauty and minerals.
                                   Climate is combination of Continental climate and Ocean Climate. Long-winter temperature varies from (-3 degree to -13 degree) in winter and (20 degree to 29 degree) in summer.

Political History of North Korea:-

North Korea history

North Korea history

The History of North Korea began at the end of World War II in 1945 Korea split into two with Japan's defeat in the war. North Korea went with Soviet Union ideology (Communist ideology) and  South Korea with USA ideology (Western ideology). In (1950-1953) there was a war between the two Korea's. The division at the 
38 th parallel replaced by Korean Demilitarized Zone. 

History of Kim il-Sung:-

Kim-il-Sung is Called father of  the North Korea.Kim-il-Sung ruled on North Korea till 1994 till his death. North Korea was engulfed in economic crisis due to the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 and natural disaster.

History of Kim Jong-il:-

North Korea history

North Korea history

He became the leader after death of his father in 1994 and ruled till 17 December 2011 until his Death.

History of Kim Jong-Un:-

North Korea history

North Korea history

King Jong-un currently supreme leader of North Korea. He is son of Kim Jong-il and grand-son of Kim il-Sung. He became Dictator on 28th December 2011.
                                         Kim had his early education in Switzerland. At that time his country going through natural famine ,but there was no shortage of his luxury life. He is fond of expensive car and basketball. His passion was to wear Military uniform and take salute by General on his birthday. KO Yong-hil was mother of King Jong-un who born in Osaka Japan. She came to North-Korea in (1961-1962). Her son was  Kim Jong-Chul and Kim Jong-Un and a daughter Kim Yo-Yung.
                                                                        Kim Jong-un loves his brother and sister very much. Kim Jong-un uncle did not have a good relation with his mother, because of which Kim Jong-un killed his uncle and served him in front of dogs. His mother died at the age of 52 in Paris.

North Korea- South Korea relation:-      

North Korea history

North Korea history

North Korea believes Communist ideology and South Korea believes Western ideology. North Korea works on One party communist state and South Korea works on one party military dictatorship. There was a war between the two countries in (1950-53). In 1991 both countries become member of United Nation. In 2000 President of South Korea visited North Korea. In 2007 both Korean signed Inter-Korean relationship. In 2018  winter Olympic hosted by PyeongChang City. In April 2018 the two countries signed the panmunjom declaration of peace.

China-North Korea relation:-                 

North Korea history

North Korea history

China-North Korea relations are very friendly, because both consider communist stream of thought. The embassies of the two countries work with each other. Chine's leader Xi Jinping Congratulate North Korea on completing 70 years of relationship between the two countries. The United Nations has imposed economic sanction on North Korea, so that North Korea can't export its product. Due to this, the economic situation of North Korea has deteriorated significantly. But  China secretly helps North-Korea buy his product and help him financially.
                                                                                         Many North Korean labors do work in China and their income goes to the North Korean government. In 2013 and 2016, China strongly opposed the North Korean nuclear explosion. In 2017 relations between two countries declined, North Korea alleged that China Consider itself a superpower and dances to the tune of the United nations. Relation between the two countries improved in 2018 when the leader of North Korea , Kim Jong-Un met with Xi Jimping, annual business between the two countries are above 200 million dollar.

North Korea - Russia relationship:-

North Korea history

North Korea history

Diplomatic relation between North Korea and Russia have been very good. The Korean army was heavily supported by the Soviet Union army during the Korean war. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union relations between the two countries declined significantly.
But after Vladimir Putin became the President of Russia, relations between the two countries improved, 60 percent of Russian public oppose North Korea's nuclear power.

Japan-North Korea relation:-

North Korea history

North Korea history

The relationship between the two neighboring countries has never been good, but talks are on between the two countries about the nuclear program and citizen of kidnapped Japanese , 90 percent of Japanese Consider North Korea as a country of negative view. North Korea began to improve relations with Japan to reduce its dependence on the Soviet Union. Relations between the two countries began to improve in (1955-1964) . In (1971-1972) Japan looked at both Korean Countries from an equal point of view. In 1980 Japan adopted an approach of at least maintaining relations with North Korea. Japan opposed North Korea's missile program as the missile passed through Japan's airspace and territory. In 1998 North Korea launched a ballistic missile  successfully named Tapodong-1. In 2017- on 17 March 2017, the us secretary threatened North Korea for war, reason was multiple rocket launcher launched by North Korea.

North Korea-USA relation:- 

North Korea history

North Korea history

Relations between the two countries have never been better  Former U.S president George W Bush  told to the North Korea axis of evil for long distancing missile testing and for Nuclear testing. In 2018 U.S President trump and North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un met in Singapore after the meeting there was a  slight improvement in relations between the two countries. At the time of Korean war the US helped  South Korea with a lot of military forces. 87 percent of American oppose North Korea's Policy.On 30  June 2019 , the president of South Korea met with the North Korean dictator at the Joint Secretory area. The US president invited the dictator to visit the White House.

India-North Korea relation:-

North Korea history

North Korea history

India and North Korea have a normal relationship and the other embassies are working with each other. India oppose the Nuclear test of North Korea, Considering it dangerous for territorial integrity. India supports military resolution passed by the United Nations, and supports the integration of Korea. India export over Dollar 60 million to North Korea in 2013.

Some bizarre mysteries of North Korea:- 

North Korea history

North Korea history

1.  You can only wear black Jeans, not blue.
2.  There is no access of World Wide Web or Wi-fi
3.  Foreigner can't use local currency they use only USA currency.
4.  Without a local guide you cannot go anywhere.
5.  People of North Korea cannot buy a home.
6.  It is almost impossible to buy a Car.
7.  Its impossible to purchase religious literature.
8.  No Coca-Cola in shop, international travel is impossible.
9.  It is impossible to purchase Condom.
10.You will never get a creative hair-cut.

Due to all these reasons,North Korea has been called a mysterious country.
                     It is rumored that Kim has died due to a serious heart ailment. Kim was last Seen on 11 May. The rumor spread as Kim did not appear at the May 15 annual festival, but South Korea News Agency announced that Kim is healthy and will soon return to their work.




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April 30, 2020 at 7:03 AM ×

Nice Work..Keep On Doing

Congrats bro you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...